
The first thing I do in all my sessions is try to put you at ease and get you to be yourself. I really think that’s the most important part of getting great shots. Of course, lots of things go into making a shot good — technical elements like lighting and composition, casting considerations like subtlety of expression and wardrobe — but if you’re not comfortable and engaged in the process, your shots won’t look very natural, let alone capture what’s most interesting and unique about you.

A big part of what I do is downplay the role of the camera so it’s not so distracting or intimidating, and focus more on interacting with you. I direct quite a bit and help get you in and out of the various looks and characters we’re going for, but I have a laid-back and unpretentious style, and sessions often seem more like conversations.

The best compliment I can get is that you got great shots and had a great time getting them. I think the two go hand in hand.

E-mail: david@davidcarlsonphotography.com